Friday, September 2, 2011


September is national coupon month for the 14th consecutive year in a row. The amount of people using coupons has definitely increased over the last few years, mainly due to people looking to find ways to cut their family expenses. A recent survey said that 76% of  people get their coupons from the news papers and 59% use Internet and email alerts. We as Americans can actually better our economy by using the coupons, discounts and Daily Deals to get America out shopping again and spending money that they would normally not spend, because before coupons, they would have not been able to afford it. We can save on just about anything if we just take a few extra minutes out of the day to go look. We here at Netsavngslink have done it for you. We have put all the links, deals, savings, store circulars, travel certificates and much more all on one site. We have also put together a series of e-books that will teach you how to maximaize your savings, and cut your family expenses an average of $5500. That is alot of money to put back into the economy that we would have not been able to before. So lets all join together clip, print search those coupons, or just let Netsavingslink do it for you and better this economy!!

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