Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I remember when I was a boy going grocery shopping with my Mom. She always had her little file with all her coupons. We would go aisle to aisle picking up everything she had a coupon for. I wanted this cereal, but Mom had a coupon for this cereal. I never argued, because I knew I would hit a brick wall. We got to the check out line, the clerk would ring up our groceries, and then ask Mom if she had coupons. I remember my Moms face and almost an arrogance, how proud she seemed to hand over that stack of coupons. I never cared or really understood. I just knew the time she would take looking through the paper, clipping and filing those coupons. It was like she was preparing for battle! Now that I am a Dad and the bread winner of the family, I understand the arrogance like, handing them coupons to the clerk. She was battling the grocery store prices and cutting our expenses! If only my Mom had Netsavingslink! She could have all her circulars, free coupons and the awesome clipping service to get them hard to find coupons. Nowadays, I am alot like my Mom used to be. Every time I prepare myself before we head to the grocer. Preparing for battle! My Wife and I go to Netsavingslink, pull up our stores circular, list all the sales, then clip our coupons. We make it a fun event for the two of us, getting ready to battle the grocery store prices and get out of there knowing we at least went to battle prepared! Without coupons we would be in the grocers arena with no weapons. The next time you go to the grocery store......get ready for battle, grab your weapon.....Netsavingslink.

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