Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The Internet is filled with get rich schemes and affiliate programs offering more than what they can provide. We at Netsavingslink have developed a rock solid affiliate program that any affiliate would love. We provide all the tools necessary to get started. All of our banners and widgets are very easy to access and the tracking is embedded in every banner or widget. We can provide some major affiliates with personalized banners also. If you have a promotion you want to run, we can design a page and banner for that also. We are here to help our affiliates succeed. We have added a great new feature that will allow you to share or Daily Deals with your favorite social media site with just a click of a button. You can create your own short URL to promote also.

Now lets talk about the commission. We pay every tenth of the month and pay on three tiers. We pay the originating affiliate 25% on memberships and 8% on all product and service sales. When you refer someone, you get paid 12% on memberships they sell and 4% on products and services they sell. When that someone refers someone, you get 6% of memberships they sell and 2% of products and services they sell and so on. So you can see that you can earn money very quickly.

Now our product, we provide the website that guarantees that the average family can save thousands per year just by joining our site and using our ebooks and discounts in their everyday life to cut their expenses dramatically. Who does not want to save money? Refer friends, family and coworkers, let them refer friends, family and coworkers and watch your circle grow. This is a great way to make extra money and use the site to save more! Join our affiliate program today!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Jeff, I wanted to write to you to say thanks for the great job you are doing with us here at Net Savings Link!! It is truly appreciated. One of the most important things we can do is to let people know what an unbelievably powerful program Net Savings Link really is. I'll give you a "For Instance" here!

Everyone knows we save the average consumer 4000.00, 5000.00 and even more every year on the most critical expenses they encounter every day! We are extremely proud of that. Our "no brain er" savings site is by far the best tool on the Internet to drive down a family's cost and put their money where it really belongs - IN THEIR POCKET!! But what most people do not see is the over all impact this type of program can have on ANY community, ANYWHERE! Think of it like this........

If we do a fund raiser for, let's say, a non profit organization. a church, a school, a labor union, the impact is dramatic! If any one organization where to produce 10000 new memberships, and all of those memberships where used in a single community, those memberships can save each new member at least 4000.00 each. That is huge!! so what we have effectively done is save 10000 new members 4000.00 each which is a total economic impact of 40 million dollars saved, or as I like to think of it, diverted back into the pockets of our members! Now, that is an economic impact of 40,000,000.00 back into the community. 40 million dollars that can now go into bill paying, entertainment or just quality of life in general And if 10000 memberships sounds like a lot, believe me it isn't!! If any organization that has 500 members sells and average of 20 memberships each - that's 10000 new memberships!!
Easy. Not to mention the donations directly to the organization sponsoring the fund raiser, which could be as much as 100000.00!

Creating a better standard of living for ourselves,our members and our local communities! That what Net Savings Link is all about!! Having the opportunity to work with you and all your affiliates in our system, that's how we do it!! Thanks again Jeff!! I look forward to watching your success grow!!

Billy J. Howell, Jr.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


If your grocery bill seems higher than usual, you are not imagining things. Food prices are up 3.9% which is the highest it has jumped in 36 years since November 1974. Mainly due to a spike in energy and gas costs. It has been a gradual increase that we as consumers just listen to the excuses, see the prices go up and think to ourselves "the price will go back down" then we go on about our business and really dont take notice that the price pretty much stayed the same and we forget about the price hike. It may not be much, but when you have a cart full, a dime here, a quarter there adds up.

The Federal Reserve President William Dudley gave a speech explaining the economys progress and the Feds success , but then why are we paying so much for food and gas? Remember, the Fed doesn't think food and gas prices matter to it's policy calculations, because food and gas is not part of the core inflation.At this speech Mr. Dudley tried to explain other prices are falling saying " today you can buy an Ipad 2 for the same price as an Ipad 1." Some one in the crowd replied "we can't eat an Ipad, when was the last time you went grocery shopping Mr. Dudley?"

We do have an option to fight back. We all can join together, share deals, share sales and join the fastest growing cash savings club in America. We can cut our grocery bill 50-75% and pay less than we should have to for groceries. You can join the Netsavingslink site today buy simply buying a Daily Deal of the Day. We have deals from $3.00 to $49.99, that means take our toner deal for three dollars, save seven dollars on toner and get a membership to our site for free! So for $3.00 you get your toner, a one month membership and you get to save $100.00 to $1000.00 that month the choice is yours how you save. Don't let food prices stop you from buying the things you need, food prices changed, you just need to change the way you shop. Who cares food prices are up? WE DO!!   JOIN TODAY